Friday, February 29, 2008


Penguins don’t just live in the Antarctic. They also live in Australia, Peru, South Africa and New Zealand. Penguins in Peru make burrows in the sand. They are all black and white except the Little Blue penguin. Some of them have yellow eyebrows and spiky hair. The smallest penguin is the Little Blue penguin which lives in New Zealand. The Emperor penguin is the biggest penguin which lives in the Antarctic.

Penguins are birds but they can’t fly. Sometimes the books say “penguins can fly under water” because they swim so fast. The penguins in Antarctic live on land and catch their food under water. When they are on land they waddle about with their wings by their sides. Sometimes they slide on their tummies like going down a slide on your tummy. It looks so cute. In a storm, penguins huddle in groups. The ones outside get very cold so they swap around all the time.

They eat squid, fish and shrimp. Penguins can be food for Killer whales, leopard seals and sea lions. One of the other dangers is the skua bird who looks for weak chicks to eat.

Penguin chicks hatch out of an egg. Some penguins have the eggs in nests and some have them on their feet. They normally have one or two eggs. When they hatch the parents feed them from their beaks. They give them horrible looking stuff, like when you mash a whole lot of fish together with some water. These chicks look so cute even though they are just grey.

Friday, February 1, 2008

January In Bed books

These are the books that I read in January. I have a bed side lamp now so I can read in bed each night.