Today we went to
Ferrymead. I was so excited because I knew we were going to dress up. I was also excited to be able to wear our new bonnets with our matching aprons.

These are the clothes that they gave us to wear. I was glad that my new friend Layla was also there.

Today we are going to pretend that we are school children living 100 years ago.

First we got instructions on what was going to happen today.

We were told to always sit up straight, shoulders back and hands folded. When we walk we have to lift our feet so that we don't drag our shoes on the floor and no one was allowed to put their hands in their pockets. We were also told that children "must be seen and not heard". Children could only speak when they were spoken to or when no adults were around.

We were split into groups for the activities.

We had some morning tea before we started.
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