Saturday, January 30, 2010

Dive into books party

I was very excited about the Dive into books party today. To be invited to the party we had to read at least 4 books over the holiday and go and tell the librarian about them. Each time we "reported in" we got a reward. We got a library bag, a pen and a pencil bag and today we got a slinky.They had a storyteller there and she was very good. She had this monkey puppet and it was the first time I had seen a ventriloquist. She was really good and the monkey was very funny.
She had some funny songs and stories that she told using her mandolin.
Then she told a story and used a string to make pictures of everything that happened.
I got my certificate for completing the programme.
And then we had a lovely afternoon tea. I look forward to doing the summer programme again next year and they even said there will be something in the winter too which will be nice.

Friday, January 29, 2010

Swim Week day 5

I am so sad that today is the last day. I am having so much fun now.

Here I am doing backstroke.

And freestyle.
Learning about how to help someone - where to stand and what to say and do.
Then Mum suggested I try swim the whole length. I did backstroke all the way there. I got really tired but she said I was almost there and I did it. I swam the whole length back in freestyle too. I can't believe I can swim now. And 2 days ago I couldn't.
I am looking forward to what I will learn next year.

Thursday, January 28, 2010

Swim Week day 4

I made some banana bread yesterday for the teachers and when Mum gave it to her and told her it was from me to say thank you the teacher said "we will have to have a special lesson today". Mum then told her "no - it's because Rachel has something exciting to show you". So I showed them my dolphin swimming off the wall and how I now love swimming under the water. They were so excited.
I could even pick up the sticks from the middle of the pool. Finally I am getting my shoulders down.
Practicing on my back with the board on my own.
And now I can even swim on my back on my own. It helps that I can put my head back without worrying.
Once I had done some swimming practice we had some fun. Here we are jumping up so that we can try and sit on the floor. I almost got my bottom on the floor. We went and had a tea party on the floor. It was so much fun.

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Swim Week day 3 - Extra practice

The weather was so good today that we all headed down to the pool this afternoon and Mum got in to with me to help me. We held hands and tried to sit on the floor. To start with I only just got my head under.
But we kept practicing and eventually I was going right under.
Then Mum showed me how to kick off the wall and swim like a dolphin. Finally my shoulders are under the water. I now love swimming under the water.
(Comment from Mum: I thank the Lord for this breakthrough. We have been praying about this and asking the Lord to help Rachel and we are so thankful she has finally gotten over her fear.)

Swim Week day 3

Still just getting my face in.
Learning to float on my back with the board.
And then swimming on my back with the board. The teacher had her hand under my back to help keep me up.
But then she showed me that her hands were up and I was doing it on my own. It was really cool.
I did not do much better today with picking up the stick. :-(

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Swim Week day 2

Doing some kicking off the side of the pool.
Using the board and getting my face in the water. I got my eyes in the water today but I don't really like it and I can see on the photo I am still trying to stay out the water - my shoulders are so high.
I had to start on the higher steps with the stick. Just managing to get my eyes under.
I eventually tried to pick the stick up off the flour but I did not got down enough.
The teachers talking to me about it and encouraging me. I do wish I could just do it.

Monday, January 25, 2010

Swim Week day 1

I have been so excited about swim week. It was supposed to be last week but was changed to this week because the pump broke. It's been overcast and cold for the last 2 weeks so it was really cold today. The water was only 18C.I start by blowing bubbles and trying to get my head lower in the water. This will make it easier when I swim.
I was shown how to try and blow bubbles and then lift my head to the side to breath.
Once I had done a lot of swimming practice the teachers spent some extra time trying to help me get my head under the water.
I so want to go but just don't do it. It frustrates me that I can't just do it. The teachers are so friendly though and they just keep encouraging me to try.

Monday, January 11, 2010


Our French computer programme arrived today and it was so much fun to get started.